MakeDaysCount - Pieces of thoughts #3

School has officially end for me for this year! School and friends, see you in January!

Now getting excited for the upcoming social engagement tho I know language barrier is going to be one of the problem again :( GONNA DO THIS cause then I'll be counting down the days till CHRISTMAS!

The first paper was super tough for them-informatica.
 But they will do well in the rest of the papers! All the best ! <3 加油 (5Bi)
vier meisjes in mijn klas ! me , Maya (always-busy-with-her-hair) , Emmy and Shirley .
Thank you for the memories in the first semester ! :)
sinterklaas chocolade for desert after the warm meals in school.
Cards from the sweet loving sisters - Charlotte, Heleen

Dankjewel lieve Charlotte and Heleen.
 I'm happy to have met you guys !<3

Love ,
