MakeDaysCount- OLVA #2

Basically I don't have a fixed schedule of where or what I am going to go or do the next day. Hence, looking forward for every new day. Today was helping out with the children with hand stamping in conjunction with the Christmas projects. Personal thought: The children here may not be as knowledgeable for 3,4 and 5 years old but they are very much more independent . ( info from papa and Emelie : the children only start writing and having real classes when they are 6 years old ) 

After working comes the speeltijd! During this time, the kids sometimes help sweep the dry leaves too.

Then comes the LUNCH-BREAK-TIME to fill the tummies again !

They get to choose warm meals / broodje (bread) + soup / naar huis ( eating at home )  

After break, I helped the tweede leerjaar ( so we called , standard 2 in Malaysia ) with the crafts for Kerstmarkt. It was a interesting and welcoming class. Their project was candle pot / stand with cement.

Looking forward for each new day, 
