MakeDaysCount - OLVA #4

With the school director, Mr Hugo !
When you're enjoying your time, it seems like time passes faster than ever !
Not a goodbye but a see you again to my lovely kidos! 再见!

不读死书,不背死书才是真真的教育吧。这两个星期我看到了不同的教育。他们总是轻轻松松,开开心心的到学校,快快乐乐的回家。学习通过游戏。他们六岁才开始读书和写字 但 知识并没有比我们少,反而更懂事更独立。他们也没有和山一样高的功课,公斤重的书包,上不完的补习班。

Two weeks of social engagement is done. Now, looking forward for Oranje! Stay tune for more information and activities in Oranje !

Ps :Too many photos to post, here are some. 
