MakeDaysCount - Mondeling Examen/ Oral exams

Counting down, 2 weeks to vacation. My heart is literally screaming out loud how much it has been longing for that break.
But before that, exams. It's oral examinations (mondeling examen). First time my classmates are doing that too and of course for me because everything is in Dutch except English and German. Study system is different, very much different from Malaysia so are the exams/test. In Malaysia, we focused on BIG EXAMS (Public Exams) and school term exams. Here, everyday you get a chance of sitting for a TEST. I see the pros and cons. Let's get this:

MGS uses school agendas too but we don't make full use of it. Basically everyone buys them because it's compulsory, well at least for me that is the case. I got myself another agenda that I used them and scribble on them practically treating my agenda as my diary. OK, so the students in Belgium make full use of their agendas.

What is Frog system? Government promotes so much on that. Make sure the students and parents have a username and password and log them in. For the sake of that, we log in once and leave it for the rest of the time. OK, the schools in Belgium use the SmartSchool. I mean like literally making full use of it. They send messages to teachers for questions. Get informed with new notices, marks, deadlines for their tasks. I would say it's handy but I still have not gotten the habit of checking the Smartschool constantly.

Test? Malaysia focuses on exams. 4 times in a year. 2 heavy ones and 2 light ones. Not to forget, major exams(public exams) like UPSR *can't get the latest name in my mind*(for the primary sixth formed), PT3 used to be PMR for the 3rd high school grade, SPM for the 5th high school grade and STPM for the 6th high school grade. OK, schools in Belgium give tests often like perhaps after every subtopics or unit. Exams are held 3 times a year. (before Christmas vacation, Easter vacation and summer vacation)

Tuitions? Attending tuitions in Malaysia is like a hobby and a routine. OK, schools here literally take up whole day, precisely from 8.20am - 5.00pm ( or 4.10pm). You rest after school or attend hobby classes like music classes and art classes not subjects or study tuitions.

The lists go on.

Something good about going an exchange is because you get to see things you never get to realize back in your country. At the same time, you compare and you see the pros and cons. Nothing is perfect. 
You think Belgium gives a better education but yet the students moan and complain about their school. At the same time, their reactions reflect you of how you were back in your country. Somehow this exchange has really slapped me on my face and teach me to stop complaining and enjoy the little things in life. We complain how school sucks and in a way suffocates us but try thinking on the other side of the globe there might be children longing to go to school yet they don't have the chance.

At this moment updating my blog, deep inside my heart, I hate how school here are so tiring and deadly long. I would rather the school hours be my hours at home then I can spend more time with my family. Be it so,I'm pursuing myself hard enough to look at the positive sides of school. The teachers are friendly and students are helpful.

I'm currently now (mostofmytime) sitting in front of the laptop working on my oral examinations + blogging (:P). I'm impressed by myself as I mentioned in my previous blog to be able to pick up the language pretty well in this 6 months. Stumbling around the internet searching for a right translation and staring at the 3 freaking long Dutch articles kill my eyes but I'm pretty sure at the end of the day it worth my time. Secretary exam went on pretty well. Got my presentation done pretty smooth and the task for gmail was alright.
First oral exam, Secretary
Mevrouw Casselman !

English was a cold sweat. I remember how I need to practice doing summaries, writing essays and reading/memorizing literature components. Here, I spent my time memorizing the articles. I hope I did well cause I'm really not a person who can remember small and fine details from articles especially when they don't really interest me. *crossed fingers*

Next upcoming ones are Dutch and German. Moments of tongue twisting and.....(will keep you guys updated on my next blog after going through that)

Anyways, I can't wait for exam to be over because then comes the vacation. Trips and fellowships. Keep reading to keep yourself updated !

Signing off,
