MakeDaysCount- The Cross Before Me ( 2315 m )

Everything was too wonderful too beautiful. It was like I've just woke up from a sweat dream. I DID IT ! 

Making this the HIGHLIGHT and GREATEST achievement during my vacation.
It was another beautiful morning, woke up with the magnificent view that stood outside of my windows. Had my breakfast ( bread + butter + cheese ).
After breakfast, I've got myself ready with the hiking shoes, pants and jackets. Everything was checked. ALL READY ! 
Off I went with my host uncle (Curt ) and host cousin brother ( Robbe ). 
My host uncle and cousin brother ; Curt & Robbe

It started off with the normal hike. We had a little chit-chat along the hike. There were hard ices which makes the hike to be a little tricky because it's slippery. PAS OP !
The weather was incredibly nice. With the warm sun that shone along our way.
The hike then got tougher, tougher and tougher. Instead of climbing and walking on the normal tar road, I find myself then climbing and clinging onto the mountains. My heart was thumping and beating real hard. As we climbed higher, the more snow we saw. It was indeed amazing to see and to feel snow just right under my feet but on the other hand it made the hike much more difficult and challenging. Every steps were a challenge. I couldn't imagine myself rolling down hills. I hesitated each time I had to take a step.
This was the beginning of the hike
As we got close to the snow
The bright and warm sun that shone in our way
Amazing to have snow under my feet ; but the hike got tougher as we climbed.
'cause the higher it is, the more snow you get

The red and white mark assured us that we were on the right track
As we got higher and higher , the wind blew stronger , my heart beat harder but nonetheless my mind was still fixed to the target - the cross that I want to reach.
Getting close to the destination. You see the cross ?
Coming close to the destination. I was constantly moved by the wind. Yes, it was that strong !

It still feels like a dream whenever I look back the picture of me standing under the cross.
Words really can't describe how I feel exactly at the moment I reached the cross.
The wind blew even harder. I could feel the sound of the wind blasting and knocking hard against my ear drums. But, I enjoyed every moment up on the mountain. ALL WAS TOO BEAUTIFUL !

We then found a spot, sat down and had the quick lunch ( I had bread with cheese )
Chocolates were of course not left out !
We were on top of the mountain HOHER LORENZEN ( 2315 m high )
Nothing is impossible !
Thank you to the two gentlemen for bringing such great and unforgettable first time ! :)

At 2pm, we finished our lunch and then headed down before the sun is gone and the day turns dark. It's winter time now, so it normally starts getting darker at 5pm. It was a tough way to get down (tougher than climbing up the hill ) My very first time walking & climbing on the snow. It was slippery and I did not know each time how deep the snow is. Sometimes I stepped and my foot is hidden way underneath the puddle of snow. It was also my first time sliding down through snow on my butt because there was no other way that I could climb down without doing that. The small part of the mountain was covered with entirely hard white snow. My heart was trembling when I had to do that.  

Now each time when I look back and reminisce about the adventurous yet meaningful hike, I can't stop my heart from beating fast. I do not know how to put them into words but believe me it was just so so so astonishing. Each time, each step were crucial and important to me. It is just like how you have to make choices in your daily life. There are times that I struggled on the next step that I was going to take because of the massive amount of snow ahead of me. But , I STILL DID IT ! Now as I look up at mountains, imagining myself walking through at the top line and border of the mountain, it still feels so fictitious. 

只要你勇敢面对,坚持不放弃,想要的就能拥有 !
带着微笑和永恒的心对待和迎接每一天新的挑战 !

With love,
