MakeDaysCount-1 uur terug Wintertijd / Sunday

Today was such a long morning. 3am midnight (Saturday midnight), we  turned our clock back 1 hour. Typical practice by the Europeans, they called it the Winter Time. There are good and bad. It's at least brighter now to cycle to school, less dangerous. But the days get dark earlier and I HAVE 7 HOURS DIFFERENT ( it was 6 hours before the winter time )  with my family and friends back in Malaysia.
Winter time will be till March 2016.

It was another Sunday routine but today we went to the bos (forest / botanic garden ) for a walk after lunch. It's so beautiful to see the falling leaves, and colorful leaves. Autumn is beautiful <3

All types of mushrooms that you can find
picking chestnuts and walnuts (she's probably hating me for posting this picture of hers)

